We invite you to
6th Conference on Physiotherapy in Piestany (SVK)
Congress languages: Slovak (SKK)
Czech (CZE)
English (ENG)
Deadline for presentation submission: 30th September 2023
DRUCKER Tomáš, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
SLOBODOVÁ NOVÁKOVA Katarína, Rector of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius
VISKUPIČ Jozef, President of the Trnava Self-governing region
JANČOVIČ Peter, Mayor of Piestany
Physiotherapy in an interdisciplinary context
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Slovak Health University in Bratislava (Faculty of Nursing and Professional Health Studies)
Charles University in Prague (Third Faculty of Medicine)
Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (Faculty of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences)
University of Primorska in Izola (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Health Spa Piešťany
Dr. h.c. Assoc. Prof. Juraj ŠTOFKO, MD, PhD., MPH, MBA
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Elena ŽIAKOVÁ, PhD.
Prof. Ľudovít GAŠPAR, MD, CSc.
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos BAKALIS, Patras, GRC
Dr. h. c. Prof. Štefan GALBAVÝ, MD, DrSc., Trnava, SVK
Prof. Marcela GRÜNEROVÁ-LIPPERTOVÁ, MD, Ph.D., MSc., Prague, CZE
Prof. Branislav KOLLÁR, MD, PhD., MPH, Bratislava, SVK
Prof. Ladislav KRESÁNEK, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Prof. Leoš NAVRÁTIL, MD, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c., Kladno, CZE
Prof. PhDr. Zuzana SLEZÁKOVÁ, PhD, MPH, Bratislava, SVK
Prof. Agnieszka WOŹNIAK-KOSEK, DsC., Ph.D, Warsaw, POL
Assoc. Prof. Ján MAŠÁN, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Assoc. Prof. Zuzana POPRACOVÁ, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Assoc. prof. David RAVNIK, Ph.D., PT. MRE. Eur. Erg., Koper, SVN
PhDr. Miriam IŠTOŇOVÁ, PhD., MPH, MHA, Košice, SVK
Mariola MENDRYCKA, PhD., Radom, POL
Carmen María SUÁREZ SERRANO, PhD., Sevilla, ESP
Dr. Łukasz WYSIEŃSKI, MD, PhD., Warwaw, POL
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos BAKALIS, Patras, GRC
Prof. Marcela GRÜNEROVÁ-LIPPERTOVÁ, MD, Ph.D., MSc., Prague, CZE
Prof. Agnieszka WOŹNIAK-KOSEK, DsC., Ph.D, Warsaw, POL
Assoc. Prof. Ján MAŠÁN, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Assoc. Prof. Zuzana POPRACOVÁ, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Assoc. prof. David RAVNIK, Ph.D., PT. MRE. Eur. Erg., Koper, SVN
PhDr. Eva ĎURINOVÁ, Trnava, SVK
PhDr. Jana HALOVÁ, PhD., Bratislava, SVK
PhDr. Miriam IŠTOŇOVÁ, PhD., Košice, SVK
Marián KONDÁŠ, MD, PhD., Bratislava, SVK
Mgr. Andrej MATONOK, Trnava, SVK
Mariola MENDRYCKA, PhD., Radom, POL
PhDr. Andrea PRISTACHOVÁ, MBA, Piešťany, SVK
Mgr. Andrea STREČANSKÁ, Trnava, SVK
Carmen María SUÁREZ SERRANO, PhD., Sevilla, ESP
Dr. Łukasz WYSIEŃSKI, MD, PhD., Warwaw, POL
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos BAKALIS, Patras, GRC
Prof. Marcela GRÜNEROVÁ-LIPPERTOVÁ, MD, Ph.D., MSc., Prague, CZE
Prof. Leoš NAVRÁTIL, MD, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c., Kladno, CZE
Prof. Agnieszka WOŹNIAK-KOSEK, DsC., Ph.D, Warsaw, POL
Assoc. Prof. Ján MAŠÁN, MD, PhD., Trnava, SVK
Assoc. prof. David RAVNIK, Ph.D., PT. MRE. Eur. Erg., Koper, SVN
Assoc. Prof. Ivan VAŘEKA, MD, Ph.D., Hradec Králová, CZE
Assoc Prof. PhDr. Elena ŽIAKOVÁ, PhD., Bratislava, SVK
Mgr. Romana HOLAŇOVÁ, Klimkovice, CZE
PhDr. Miriam IŠTOŇOVÁ, PhD., MPH, MHA, Košice, SVK
Kateřina MACHÁČKOVÁ MD, Ph.D., Hrabyně, CZE
Mariola MENDRYCKA, PhD., Radom, POL
Assist. Prof. Çağlar SOYLU, University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Gülhane, TUR
MUDr. Bc. Petra SLÁDEKOVÁ, PhD., Praha, CZE
Carmen María SUÁREZ SERRANO, PhD., Sevilla, ESP
Dr. Łukasz WYSIEŃSKI, MD, PhD., Warwaw, POL
PhDr. Pavol NECHVÁTAL, PhD., Prešov, SVK
From 8:00 Registration
08:30 - 09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:00 - 11:00 Session I.
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 Session II.
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 Session III.
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 Session IV.
20:00 - 24:00 Evening Galareception (Palace Ballroom, Hotel Balnea Palace)
08:00 - 09:30 Session V.
09:30 - 10:00 Coffe Break
10:00 - 11:30 Session VI.
11:30 - 12:00 Break
12:00 - 13:30 Session VII.
13:30 Closing ceremony
Conference languages:
Slovak (SK)
Czech (CZ)
English (EN)
Instructions for authors:
The deadline for electronic submission of abstracts of original papers is 30.9.2023
Full texts are welcome and will be published.
- Presentation length is 10 minutes.
- If you present a video, please send us the format to ensure proper screening.
- Please bring your presentation on USB/CD
- Please check and make sure that your presentations are working properly before the session starts.
- The discussion will be held interactively through the „slido“ application. (pred „The scientific committee...)
- Please register your abstracts electronically by filling out the online form - see below.
- The range of abstracts is a maximum of 250 words.
- Send the abstract in PDF or Word format.
- The abstract zone will be open after 9/30/2023.
- Full texts are welcome for the planned publication.
The mission of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FZV) as part of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (UCM) is to develop education based on scientific knowledge, creative spirit, in the sense of national and universal humanistic and democratic traditions. Through its activities, the institute contributes to the development of education as part of the culture of the entire society and at the same time contributes to raising the scientific and economic level of society. The faculty ensures the highest possible level of student education in two fields of study - physiotherapy and radiological technology. Both fields train graduates for practice, because there is literally a hunger for experts in these professions on the labour market here, as well as abroad.
FZV is a young faculty that has appropriate spatial, technical and personnel equipment to successfully fulfil its mission. The main seat of the faculty is in Piešťany on Rázusova street in a historical building, where there are suitable teaching premises. The location of the faculty in Piešťany is significant, because Piešťany is a world-famous spa town. The study is conducted under the guidance of experienced teachers, external lectures are also given by top experts from other universities. Practical teaching takes place in the best medical facilities, e.g. Bratislava University Hospital, National Oncology Institute, National Institute of Rheumatic Diseases, National Rehabilitation Institute in Kováčová, Piešťany Spa and others. In addition to studies, students have an opportunity to engage in scientific activities, participate in professional congresses and symposia, and complete foreign internships. FZV also organizes and supports social and sports activities.
Graduates of the field of physiotherapy will learn to independently diagnose and treat disorders of the locomotor system. They are used in rehabilitation departments, outpatient centres, spas, fitness studios, nursing care agencies and others.
The Faculty of Nursing and Professional Health Studies began lectures in the academic year of 2003/2004, and is incessantly working to aid the mission of the University and to fulfil its goals. The Faculty organizes educational, scientific, and other specialized activities in Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Radiological Science, Urgent Medical Care, Social Work with emphasis on social health care for senior citizens, as well as in the field of specialized health studies. These activities work in cooperation with contracted health care facilities.
The Faculty offers:
undergraduate study in accredited study programmes - bachelor's degree
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Physiotherapy
- Radiological Science
- Urgent Medical Care
- Dental Care
- Nutrition Therapy
graduate study in the accredited study programme - master's degree
- Nursing
- Physiotherapy
postgraduate study in the accredited study programme - PhD.
- Nursing
- further education for health care workers in the health system
- continuous education in health care
The Faculty takes part in study programmes of higher education and postgraduate education of other Faculties of the University, and participates in University programmes.
The Faculty also:
- provides methodical activities in the field of health occupations, in accordance with its scope, publication, scientific, research, and educational activities for professionals and lay public alike, as well as publicity of work results and editorship of medical literature,
- offers expertise and consulting services, in accordance with its scope,
- oversees the practical training of students in secondary health schools in Slovakia,
- assists the Ministry in the preparation of strategies, prognoses, and legislature,
- cooperates with other public bodies, health protection groups, local government, health care facilities, social service facilities, and with the third sector.
- works together with universities, facilities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, research institutions, international universities, health care facilities, and public health authorities.
The Faculty cooperates with international partners in the areas of education in Nursing and other accredited study programmes. The aim of our international cooperation is to use human resources more effectively. Our membership and activities in several international organizations are a vital part of our international cooperation.